All group programs are facilitated by speech pathologists or occupational therapists.
Each group has the capacity for eight participants, and has an associated cost of $240 per day ($720 total). Attendance on all days of your chosen program is highly recommended.
We will be running the following programs in the upcoming school holidays at our Surrey Hills Clinic:

Holiplay - Ages 4 to 7 years
This program provides a safe environment for children to explore their social skills through fun and functional activities. It is designed to allow children to work collaboratively with their peers while practicing their problem-solving, planning, organisation, language and social skills.​
Group 1: 9:30am - 12pm, Wednesday 9th April to Friday 11th April
​Group 2: 9:30am - 12pm, Monday 14th April to Wednesday 16th April

Flexers - Ages 8 to 11 Years
Through play-based activities, children will be provided with the opportunity to practise their social communication and language skills. They will learn to express their feelings, problem solve and work collaboratively with each other.
9:30am - 12pm, Monday 7th April to Wednesday 9th April

Thinkers - Ages 12 Years +
This is a fun and engaging program for our teenagers! It is designed to allow teenagers to practice their social communication and executive functioning skills through engaging activities.
2pm - 4:30pm, Monday 14th April to Wednesday 16th April